SATO 1-liner hand labeling systems are available in a variety of options.
Kendo 22/22P/26 innovative hand labelling systems provide an option to choose from a broad range of label types and sizes. The systems provide print font improvement, and offer a larger font size of 5mm height. With a very easy to load/unload ink roller, the systems feature an innovative platen mechanism, and can print up to 10 alphanumeric digits.
Samark/Samark 26 is a top-performing affordable labeller providing a variety of print band layouts. The system can handle special security cut labels, features PSP mechanism, and can print up to 8 alphanumeric digits.
SA MARK II/SP MARK II are robust and safe hand labelling printers. The compact and lightweight labelers feature a casing of reinforced plastic which provides enhanced durability. The labelers, equipped with PSP mechanism, feature easy loading of labels and can print up to 8 alphanumeric digits.
PB-1, effective and lightweight, hand labellers are the "smallest" in the market, offering clear and color printouts. The lightweight printers are compact in size with a clean and crisp index band and can print up To 7 alphanumeric digits.