Metal detectors

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Thermo Scientific - Environmental and Process

Metal detector / for conveyors - 1.5 - 366 m/min | Ramsey™ Oretronic III

Thermo Scientific™ Ramsey Oretronic III tramp metal detector provides an economical...

Metal detector / for conveyors - 1.5 - 366 m/min | Ramsey™ Oretronic III

Thermo Scientific™ Ramsey Oretronic III tramp metal detector provides an economical and reliable means to protect expensive crushers, conveyors and other process equipment from damage by tramp metal.
It detects all types of metallic scrap including bucket teeth, manganese steel mantles, bore crowns, bar scrap, chains and tools.

Metal detector / for the food industry - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 100

The APEX 100 metal detector provides protection from the most common metal contaminants found in food...

Metal detector / for the food industry - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 100

The APEX 100 metal detector provides protection from the most common metal contaminants found in food production today. This metal detector is equipped with the same core technology as the high performance APEX 500. As a partner in your success, Thermo Scientific metal detectors help you fulfill your legal obligations and protect your brand, reducing any downtime so your business can achieve its goals.

High-sensitivity detector / for small parts / metal - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 300

The legendary Thermo Scientific™ APEX 300 is a tightly-packed and versatile metal...

High-sensitivity detector / for small parts / metal - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 300

The legendary Thermo Scientific™ APEX 300 is a tightly-packed and versatile metal detector and it is considered as the most flexible member of the APEX product family. The Thermo Scientific metal detector provides remarkably careful consideration that enables you to actualize your legal obligations in addition to preserving your brand.

Metal detector / for the food industry - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 500

The Thermo Scientific™ APEX 500 is a top of the line metal detector...

Metal detector / for the food industry - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 500

The Thermo Scientific™ APEX 500 is a top of the line metal detector that is extremely sensitive and works well to achieve the food industries strictest requirements. It is designed to accommodate legal and secure levels of comfort for superior brand protection.

Mobile detector / metal / for the pharmaceutical industry - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 500 Rx

The Thermo Scientific™ APEX 500 Rx Metal Detector offers a mobile and reliable solution for tablet...

Mobile detector / metal / for the pharmaceutical industry - 0.5 - 1 000 m/min | APEX 500 Rx

The Thermo Scientific™ APEX 500 Rx Metal Detector offers a mobile and reliable solution for tablet presses, capsule-filling and deduster applications in the most demanding pharmaceutical environments. Its multi-coil design consistently delivers sensitivity and stability, but remains unaffected by product effects or environmental changes. Meets FDA requirements for validated production.

Metal detector - 10 - 15 000 g, max. 400 p/min

Unlimited combination options are provided by the Bizerbas CWD, CWE and CWF series. Theses models feature a built-in metal detector, which transforms the check-weigher into a complete inspection system....

Metal detector - 10 - 15 000 g, max. 400 p/min

Unlimited combination options are provided by the Bizerbas CWD, CWE and CWF series. Theses models feature a built-in metal detector, which transforms the check-weigher into a complete inspection system. This meets HACCP, IFS and BRC product standards as well as a number of other standards.

These devices can handle weights of between 10 grams and 15 kilograms. They also have use in the food industry. They are capable of dealing with high- and medium sized loads. These Bizerba combi-checkers have an output measuring around 400 products per minute at speeds of 170m per min. They are in the safety class IP IP54/IP 65.

These devices come with a metal detector for all types of metals and multi-frequency technology. The Statistics.BRAIN feature is optional on these machines.

Metal detector / for the food industry - Varicon

The packaged and un-packaged unit goods of all ferrous and non-ferrous metals can easily and reliably detects by the Varicon metal detector. The pusher separator system...

Metal detector / for the food industry - Varicon

The packaged and un-packaged unit goods of all ferrous and non-ferrous metals can easily and reliably detects by the Varicon metal detector. The pusher separator system with separator container is available as an option for automatically separating packaging that contains metal. It is possible to create 200 different and entirely customized systems for your specific needs with the extensive range of accessories from Bizerba. The potential errors cab reduced and its convenience of use of the weighing process can also be improved by the integration of the mechanical and data processing elements. They meet the strict hygiene requirements of HACCP.

Metal detector / bag / packaging

These metal detectors are the instruments basically used...

Metal detector / bag / packaging

These metal detectors are the instruments basically used for palletizing bags. They inspect the bags going to the Palletizer for metallic foreign matter and whenever it turns out positive, advise them to a bag removal station.