As the (typical large) products that are made by Hot Crimping typical have a very high intrinsic value, and even higher service/repair costs, you can only afford to use the best possible production equipment for this.
A high-force weld head (for example MIYACHI PECO M200/7500N) mechanically holds the electrodes. It also feeds the electrical current to the electrodes. Cooling water is applied to cool all components actively to prevent (over-) heating during production. The transformer (MIYACHI PECO TR5/P) is mounted directly on top of the weldhead. The power supply that generates the electrical current for the welding is typically an AC-current MIYACHI PECO power supply, for example type M4P.
Unique for our Hot Crimping equipment is the “weld to displacement” functionality. This allows the equipment to be programmed to reach a certain compression (defined in micron or milimeters), upon which the current flow and heating will be switched off. This compensates for part-to-part variation, and lets you program a parameter that is closely related to joint quality.