The plant was designed and built for the precision cleaning of any metal parts coming from various machines tools processes.
The machine is fully automated and totally equipped with all the accessories which make it extremely functional and easy to use and maintain.
This plant was specifically designed for use with low environmental impact solvents, non-flammable, low boiling and extremely efficient in the degreasing.
The machine also allows the equipment to use co-solvent, increasing considerably the cleanliness result that grants the cleaning of parts with significant residuals like oils, greases, inks, and in some cases, polishing and lapping paste.
The result is to have dry parts without stains, ready for the next process.
This machine has small physical size and involves short cycle times using a very little energy.
The basket handling system TA 10/1 is completely automatic and it is managed by a PLC, which is easy to program using the touch screen.