Laboratory chemicals

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Reagent water analysis

* AmmoniaTNTplusTM Low Range vial tests deliver superior results
* For use with the new...

Reagent water analysis

* AmmoniaTNTplusTM Low Range vial tests deliver superior results
* For use with the new DR 5000 and DR 2800 spectrophotometers
* The vial barcode enables automatic test selection and initiation
* Unparalled ease of use, precision, accuracy, plus elimination of human error
* EPA Equivalent Method; approved for reporting.
* Realize analytical peace of mind!
HF scientific, Inc.

Reagent chlorine analyzer

Dry kit reagents for the CLX Online Residual Chlorine Monitor

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The HF scientific Dry Chlorine Reagent Kits have been specifically formulated for use in...

Reagent chlorine analyzer

Dry kit reagents for the CLX Online Residual Chlorine Monitor

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The HF scientific Dry Chlorine Reagent Kits have been specifically formulated for use in the CLX Chlorine Monitor. Specific advantages of the Dry kits over current pre-mixed reagents are savings on shipping weight, no chance of freezing making storage more convenient and an extended shelf life of 5 years (before being mixed with DPD). The user must add sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide before use. Use for international shipments requiring non-hazardous shipping.

Just add DI water to the fill line, shake, and they are ready to use. Kits come in Free or Total Chlorine 30 day kits or in the more economical 1 year kits.

Buffer solution pH - MeterLab

The use of pH and conductivity standard solutions, laboratories that are involved in accrediting and certifying such products, the need to be able to trace...

Buffer solution pH - MeterLab

The use of pH and conductivity standard solutions, laboratories that are involved in accrediting and certifying such products, the need to be able to trace...

Conductivity standard - MeterLab

The MeterLab is a conductivity standard developed by Hach Lange. It is supplied with certificate of conformity and traceability such as ISO Guide 31...

Conductivity standard - MeterLab

The MeterLab is a conductivity standard developed by Hach Lange. It is supplied with certificate of conformity and traceability such as ISO Guide 31...