With the careful redesign of the main board of the power M, that is based on a new processor RISC and a 32 bit having clock at 264 Mhz, the new controller power N is able to provide the following features. The floating point calculations...
With the careful redesign of the main board of the power M, that is based on a new processor RISC and a 32 bit having clock at 264 Mhz, the new controller power N is able to provide the following features. The floating point calculations can be performed optionally in double precision. The 64 bit also comes with a Flash EPROM that has been improved by 1 Mbyte from 7 to 8 Mbyte. This provides new implementations of operating system along with the largest volume F of the family PID procession speed so as to adjust the axis. This increases the speed by 25% passing from 15 to 12 microseconds per axis, this allows you to reduce, when necessary to a sampling time of just 200 microseconds. The medium processing time for general instructions has been reduced by 40%. Some analog inputs can be processed digitally DSP via a FIR ( Finite Impulse Response) . The algorithm Digital inputs manageable in interrupt have also been increased.