Composite seals

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Composite seal / expanded / for chemical applications - LATTYgraf REFLEX

Temperature limit : -200 °C - 600 °C
Pressure limit : 0 bar - 500 bar

Patented composite gasket is a combination of a large LATTYgraf E expanded graphite sealing dam and a die created in place between the stainless steel rings, which are used as compression...

Composite seal / expanded / for chemical applications - LATTYgraf REFLEX

Patented composite gasket is a combination of a large LATTYgraf E expanded graphite sealing dam and a die created in place between the stainless steel rings, which are used as compression limiters. The most noted feature of this gasket is set into a metal to metal contact. While operating, the compression limiter ring shields the LATTYgraf E seal by absorbing all the mechanical tension from the thermal shocks, pipe work. etc.

LATTYgraf REFLEX is guaranteed to seal even under variable and stringent conditions and delivers top notch elastic recovery. Additionally, it is suited for literally any application and is a proven product in the most intense industrial as well as nuclear applications.
Scenic Precise Frenzelit

Composite seal - novaform ® FSD

novaform ® FSD is the name for Frenzelit´s range of silk screen gaskets. They are mainly used for applications where with low bolt pressures a reduction of surface leakage is required. A sealing outline or coating with...

Composite seal - novaform ® FSD

novaform ® FSD is the name for Frenzelit´s range of silk screen gaskets. They are mainly used for applications where with low bolt pressures a reduction of surface leakage is required. A sealing outline or coating with...