Infrared temperature sensor / miniature - -20 ... +500 °C | Raytek CM

Infrared temperature sensor / miniature - -20 ... +500 °C | Raytek CM
RAYTEK The Raytek CM sensor monitors temperatures in OEM and manufacturing sites. The sensor uses infrared temperature measurements and can be used in lieu of traditional contact probes.

A J- or K-type thermocouple output may be used but a 0-5 volt output may be added. The electronics setup is enclosed in a stainless steel body and can operate in conditions up to 70 degrees Celsius or 160 degrees Fahrenheit without having to cool down.

The RS232 interface makes it easier for the unit to link its data up to a program like the DataTemp Multidrop that is included with the sensor. An LED will also identify the online status of the unit. Air purging and lens protection accessories are also available.

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