Chauvin-Arnoux PX 120 is suitable for general or technical secondary schools and maintenance departments inindustries. The power measurement is done on a 3-wire balanced triple phase (T3FB) and a single phase.
The TRMS powermeter has several complex capabilities, yet it can be operated with ease. For loads drawing very high amounts of current, it provides an INRUSH function. For measurement in unstable conditions, the SMOOTH function is very helpful.
It provides excellent readability with 14mm-digits, display capacity of 999 counts, and 4 digits on three lines. It also allows three values - voltage, current and active power /active, reactive and apparent power - to be be displayed simultaneously.
This latest wattmeter has a key feature - an infrared transmission mode. A magnetised optical head, which is positioned on the unit's front panel is used for establishing a link.