Phase detector - 2 - 400 Hz | 302

Phase detector - 2 - 400 Hz | 302
B&K Precision The model 302 is a combination of a 3 phase motor rotation tester, and a 3 phase presence and rotation meter. The model 302 is the easiest and fastest way to repair, service and electrically maintain 3 phase systems and 3 phase rotating machinery. Without worrying about damage to the tester, it can be used on a 3 phase un-powered motor (the load side) or a 3 phase powered system (the supply side).

When used on a 3 phase powered system, the instrument acts as a 3 phase presence and rotation indicator. When used on a 3 phase un-powered motor, the instrument becomes a 3 phase motor rotation tester. When used on a 3 phase powered system, the instrument is a rotary field indicator. It displays the three phases by lighting up the corresponding LEDs.

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