Universal testing machine - AURA

Universal testing machine - AURA
Easydur Italiana The universal testing machine has been conceived to conduct tensile, compression, bending and shearing tests. The is available in manual, semi-automatic, and automatic operations. It carries out test process on springs, metal wires, plastics, cables, chains, hooks and other materials. The structure is capable to house 3 permanently installed load cells to enable compression tests, and 3 sets of tensile grips for tests, including at break.

The system uses several cards (for axis and cell reader control) to connect through CanBus for displacements to position or force at 1000 Hz of feedback speed. The load celt reads are effected 1,000 times per second. The minimum indexing reading 1/32.700 can be increased by slowing down of the load cell reading. The universal testing machine is designed to operate with computerized numerical control and includes a computer with HD and touch screen. The machine is designed as a self-supporting, two-columns structure with ball screws.

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