ULD automated storage and retrieval system - Dematic RapidStore® UL Unitloads

ULD automated storage and retrieval system - Dematic RapidStore® UL Unitloads
DEMATIC Heavy duty, unit load ASRS

Pallet handling machines use lifting carriages with telescopic forks and cabs. Single or double deep loads can be accommodated. Alternatively, pre-engineered extraction/insertion devices are available to suit your product type and size. Large products are handled gently and consistently.

RapidStore Unit Load (UL) systems provide automated bulk reserve storage facilities in a range of warehouse applications. Ideal for storing pallet loads of raw materials or finished goods, RapidStore UL solutions are designed to deliver a compact building footprint while providing rapid, secure storage and retrieval.

Efficient, accurate, quiet, and reliable

The latest controls technology for pallet AS/RS machines makes them highly efficient and accurate. Quiet operation and reliability are engineered into each machine.

Faster than narrow aisle forklift trucks, RapidStore machines economically handle your throughput requirements in aisles only 200 mm wider than the load. Dematics comprehensive range of Storage Retrieval Machines (SRMs) can be designed to handle loads of up to 1,800 kg in DCs up to 45 m tall, achieving throughput rates of 60 double cycles per hour depending on load weight, system height, and aisle length.

Unit-Load ASRS Benefits:
- Fully automatic storage
- Increased height limit, up to 45 metres
- Improved storage capacity in a reduced footprint
- Payload capacities up to 1,800 kg
- Single, double, and satellite storage configurations
- Latest control technologies.

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