Anaerobic chamber - 17.6 cu.ft, +5 °C ... +70 °C | BACTRON600

Anaerobic chamber - 17.6 cu.ft, +5 °C ... +70 °C | BACTRON600
Sheldon The BACTRON600 system permits volume handling of anaerobic cultures with maximum operator comfort. With a 17.6 cu.ft. workspace and a 600 plate capacity incubator, it is the largest, most complete anaerobic environmental system available. It is designed for high volume, yet requires far less bench space than expected for its capacity and performance features.

Bactron systems have airtight construction of stainless steel and rigid Plexiglas for unobstructed vision and integrity. The cuffs form a comfortable seal around the operator's arms permitting bare hand manipulation of plates and specimens inside the working chamber, making work more comfortable and efficient. In addition, all Bactron chambers have our new ergonomic armport doors, which ensure user comfort and minimize shoulder fatique.

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